
2009-01-15 00:38:46|  分类:|字号


By default Delphi (5, 6 and 7) places compiled files to the

<Delphi path>\Projects\Bpl directory and this directory already present

in the search PATH. But if you overwrite default BPL directory then you need

put compiled EhLibXX.BPL file into directory that is accessible

through the search PATH (i.e. DOS "PATH" environment variable; for example,

in the Windows\System directory).

Add, (if needed) 'EhLib directory' in Tools->Environment Options->Library->

Library Path (For Delphi 9 in Tools->Options->Environment Options->

Delphi Options->Library - Win32->Library Path).

Use "File\Open..." menu item of Delphi IDE to open the runtime package -


In "Package..." window click "Compile" button to compile the package.

After that open and compile EhLibDataDriversXX.Dpk.

After compiling run-time packages install design-time

packages DclEhLibXX.BPL and DclEhLibDataDriversXX.BPL into the IDE.

For that use "File\Open..." menu item to open design-time package


In "Package..." window click "Compile" button to compile the package

and then click "Install" button to register EhLib components on

the component palette.

但安装会出现 EhLib70.dpk(59): File not found: 'DBSumLst.dcu'的错误,

解决办法,可以把下载的控件包中Delphi7文件目录中的文件全部拷到Common文件夹中,然后打开Delphi-》Tools-》Environment Options-》Library,再选择Library path路径找到你下载控件包Common目录所在。然后添加。Ok。

再选择Delphi中File -》Open 打开Common中的DPK文件,注意这里有四个DPK文件,先选择EhLib70.dpk 之后Compile(不要Install) 再打开EhLibDataDrivers70.dpk再Compile(不要Install)。编译这两个文件之后再打开DclEhLib70.dpk文件,点Compile,再安装(此时点Install),再打开DclEhLibDataDrivers70.dpk 点编译,再安装(此时点Install)到此OK,退出Delphi编译器,重新启动OK
